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This is an exciting opportunity to join the team in the newly founded Directorate of General Internal Medicine providing inpatient care for acute general medical admissions on the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital site. The job will predominantly be to provide Consultant level inpatient ward cover of the General Internal Medicine wards though there may be opportunity for subspecialist interest OPD activity.
The Consultant in General Internal Medicine will provide general medical care on one of the GIM wards at the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital site. The ward will have 22-25 beds and cross cover may be required to support colleagues annual leave. The ward cover will be supported across the directorate by 2 Specialty Doctors, a Senior Clinical Fellow and Junior Clinical Fellows
The post holder will work 10 programmed activities for East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust including weekend cover 1 in 7. It is anticipated that the appointee will join the overnight on call rota after appointment. Please see the attached indicative job plan for further details. An on call supplement is payable (band A) for the 1:21 on-call rota.